Northshore Concert Band At Home: Kendra Gohr


This is the first in a series of interviews with Northshore Concert Band members. Learn more about these talented musicians in each fun, thoughtful, and often touching feature.


Today’s member is Kendra Gohr.

Kendra has been a member of the Northshore Concert Band for 15 years. She is a private low brass instructor and plays the Euphonium.

What part of your shelter-in-place have you come to appreciate the most? The least?
The most? More time to spend with family. The least? Teaching 40+ students remotely....& not being able to go to my gym.

What’s something that you miss that surprises you? What’s something that you don’t miss that surprises you?
I miss playing music with friends (but that doesn't really surprise me). I don't miss watching baseball on t.v.

What have you been stocking up on (that isn’t toilet paper)?
Flour, yeast, sugar (apparently we like to bake)

Is there something you’ve been putting off for a long time, but are now doing with this time at home?
We have made our backyard into a place where we love to have a "staycation"!!

Please briefly share your history with NCB - how & why you joined, etc.
I just finished my 15th season playing with the NCB. I joined right after I completed my Masters in Euphonium Performance & needed a place to play. Growing up in Chicagoland I always dreamed of performing with this that I've been accepted & continue to grow as a musician each year!

COVID-19 has forced NCB to cancel the second half of our 2019-2020 Subscription Season. What do you miss most about NCB rehearsals and performances?
I miss being able to escape the world around me for 2 hours each week to make music with my friends. I miss performing concerts...the feeling of accomplishment...the musical "high" that I get after a great performance at Pick.

So much has happened in our world. Concerts have been canceled and our musicians and administration are now sheltering in place and working from home. For the health and well-being of our musicians, staff, and supporters we are working in accordance with the CDC and Governor Pritzker’s guidelines. Music is more important than ever and we look forward to the time that we can share our music with you. During this unprecedented time, subscribe to this website and follow us on social media for NCB updates, member interviews, music news, and more.
