Northshore Concert Band’s musicians come from throughout the Chicago area and southern Wisconsin and represent many professional backgrounds. Approximately half are professional music educators; the rest have a diverse set of occupations including business executives, attorneys, and physicians. Musicians range in age from 20 to 85, many with a tenure of two decades or more with the ensemble. All of the musicians are selected by audition and are strongly committed to volunteering their time and talents to the group.

Artistic Director

Mallory Thompson

Assistant Conductor

Daniel J. Farris

Julianne Arvidson
Christopher Buckler
Kathryn Cargill
Michele Gaus Ehning
Sandra Ellingsen
Daniel Fletcher
Nancy Golden *
Kristen Hanna
Betsy Ko
Jennifer Nelson
Marija Robinson
Jen Smith
Amy Strong
Gail Wiercioch

Oboe & English Horn
Rachel Campagna
Lindsay Haukebo
Chloe Mason
Nancy Swanson *

Nyketa DiCesare ^
Pam Holt
Maryann Loda *
Heather McCowen

Hannah Bangs
Pamela Beavin
Rachel Beil
Traci Bowering
Jackson Brown
Laurie DeVillers
Debbie Durham *
Kelley Gossler
Tyler Holstrom
Janet Jesse
Christine Kaminski
Bob Konecny
Aaron Linde
Jaclyn McKeown
Brandon Pace
Laura Stibich
Rob True
Patrick Wall
David Zyer

Bass Clarinet
Matt Bordoshuk
Jori Pulver
Eden Schultz
Thomas Shermulis

Alto Saxophone
Alex Blomarz *
Carey Kisselburg *
Nate Maher

Tenor Saxophone
Peter Ross

Baritone Saxophone
Holly Aaronson

Betsy Engman
Ryan Fossier
Peter Gotsch
Jonathan Ibach
Janene Kessler
Katie McCarthy
Ryan Sedgwick *
Emma Stibich
Lauren Whisnant
Jennifer Young
Barbara Zeleny

Allissa Baldwin
Benjamin Clemons
Jeff Crylen
Karen Crylen
Scott Golinkin
Annie Grapentine *
Robert Kelly
Erik Lillya
Ethan Mogilner
Luis Ortiz
Kyle Rhoades
Becky Van Donslear

Paul Bauer *
Daniel DiCesare
Alec Fenne
Gregory Glover
Karen Mari
Ken Preuss
Bradley Say
Joseph Schorer
Bryan Tipps

Kendra Gohr
Dan Mueller
Bruce Nelson *

Kevin Baldwin
Max Briggs
Peter Lograsso
Nathan Peppey
Eric Weisseg *

Tyler Darnall
Deborah Hawes
Joey Heimlich
Derek Inksetter
Richard Lehman
Cameron Marquez ^
Michael Moehlmann
Chris Rasmussen *
Bill Seliger

Member Emeritus
Ann Betz
Roland Colsen
John Harshey
Charles Hawes
Edward Kahn
Gail Kalver
Steve Moline
Dennis Montgomery
Rodney Owens
Herb Schneiderman
Janet Schroeder
Rick Wadden

* Section Leader
^ Associate Member