Northshore Concert Band At Home: Richard Lehman


Today’s feature is the second in a series of interviews with Northshore Concert Band members. Learn more about these talented musicians in each fun, thoughtful, and often touching feature.


Today’s member is Richard Lehman.

Richard has been a member of the Northshore Concert Band for 15 years. He is a band director and plays Percussion.

What part of your shelter-in-place have you come to appreciate the most? The least?
During quarantine time I've really come to appreciate coming up with creative ways to continue to put the beautiful gift of music out in the world with my students. I've had the chance to do more with making videos and help make people laugh/smile. The hardest part of quarantining is the fact that I cannot physically be with my students. I love making and creating music with them in person and being there to give them support in person. On top of it all, it's really hard to play an instrument with a mask on your face...

What’s something that you miss that surprises you? What’s something that you don’t miss that surprises you?
I think what I miss most is the freedom to go places that I've taken for granted. I miss going to outdoor rehearsals in Millennium Park; I miss going to museums; I miss being able to take my kids to the playground. I really am not missing having to fill up my gas tank as much or my commute to and from work.

What have you been stocking up on (that isn’t toilet paper)?
I didn't realize that I've been buying a lot of chicken until I went to my freezer to put it away and discovered there is no room. I hadn't intended to stockpile chicken, but I'm set for at least a month!

Is there something you’ve been putting off for a long time, but are now doing with this time at home?
Organizing the basement storage unit; organizing closets; showering (threw that one in to see if you're paying attention); updating databases for school, etc.

Please briefly share your history with NCB - how & why you joined, etc.
I've always had a passion for community bands.  When I was in high school I was asked to help out with the local community band and can fondly remember the stories an older member would tell me as he played bass drum and I played the cymbals. From there I helped conduct a local community band where I first taught and was also a member of another community band of teachers in central Pennsylvania.  In 2004, I moved out to the midwest to attend grad school. In 2005 I was asked/encouraged to join the group by my teacher and co-director, Dr. Thompson.  Little did I know that that small nudge would help lead me to develop connections and relationships with people that would soon become like another family to me.

COVID-19 has forced NCB to cancel the second half of our 2019-2020 Subscription Season. What do you miss most about NCB rehearsals and performances?
I miss learning from Dr. Thompson and watching her elevate the level of musicianship from some great players!  I miss hearing other members of the band play at a high level; I miss sharing our music with others to help make our world a brighter place.

Please share any thoughts that you may have about the Northshore Concert Band.
This group is passionate about promoting and supporting lifelong learners and appreciators of music.  It's truly humbling, inspiring, and refreshing to be a part of such an organization!


So much has happened in our world. Concerts have been canceled and our musicians and administration are now sheltering in place and working from home. For the health and well-being of our musicians, staff, and supporters we are working in accordance with the CDC and Governor Pritzker’s guidelines. Music is more important than ever and we look forward to the time that we can share our music with you. During this unprecedented time, subscribe to this website and follow us on social media for NCB updates, member interviews, music news, and more.
