Make a Difference This Holiday Season!
Charitable giving continues its upward trend! This increase is testament to the growing role that charitable organizations play in our society. Make a difference this holiday season by giving to the Northshore Concert Band!
Here are 9 positive effects of giving.
1. You Will Feel Good!
Donating money makes you feel better. It makes you realize that even if you don’t have much, you have enough to share with others. A Harvard Business School study suggests that giving to others is directly correlated with an increased sense of happiness.
“Happier people give more and giving makes people happier” - Harvard Business School
2.You Will Help Those In Need!
When you donate to charities that truly make a difference, you will feel the satisfaction that only giving can bring. You will know that your donation has made a positive impact on that organization and the lives that it touches.
3. You Will Be A Part Of Something Bigger!
Even if you are only able to donate a small amount of money, your gift will be joined with the gifts of others and become something much bigger! A small donation really can make a big difference!
4. You Will Get a Tax Deduction!
A gift to a qualified charitable organization may entitle you to a charitable contribution deduction against your income tax if you itemize deductions. Be sure to consult your tax advisor for the federal, state, and local tax consequences of a charitable contribution.
The Northshore Concert Band is a not-for-profit (501c3) organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
5. You Can Support Something That is Close to Your Heart!
Everyone is passionate about something. Making a donation to an organization that inspires you shows your support of their efforts and of their mission. Supporting a cause can give your life a greater purpose. This is one of the most valuable aspects of charitable giving. Everyone needs passion in their life.
6. Your Support Will Set An Example
Donating to a charitable organization shows everyone that you want to make the world a better place. It will set an example to your children, grandchildren, friends and family and instill in them a desire to share and serve. Those around you will be inspired and influenced by your generosity.
7. You Can Honor A Loved One
Making a financial contribution is an excellent way to honor someone in your life or to celebrate the memory of someone who has passed.
8. Your Generosity is Valued
Donors truly make a difference! You can not underestimate how important you are to the organizations that you support. The financial generosity of individuals like you makes our many musical and educational activities possible.
All contributions are acknowledged in Northshore Concert Band concert program books.
9. You Can Donate Today!
While the act of giving is immediate, your relationship with the organizations that you support will be long-term!
Please make a generous contribution to the Northshore Concert Band so the music will continue to inspire, engage, and excite our audiences. Your support in any amount is greatly appreciated.