What We Did On Our Summer Vacation 2023 - Part 4


Our "What I Did on My Summer Vacation" series continues with an all-horn edition!

Ryan Sedgwick (horn) had an unusually eventful summer this year beginning with a celebration of the completion of his MBA. Taking advantage of his employer’s sabbatical benefit, Ryan spent 7 weeks traveling around Europe, alternating travel companions between his father, his husband, and fellow NCB horn player Jennifer Young. His travel spots included Berlin, Munich, Salzburg, Strasbourg, Paris, Versailles, Cologne, Hamburg, the Altmark region of eastern Germany, central Germany, and the medieval college town of Tübingen! Ryan said that having worked consistently and constantly since he graduated with his first masters degree 20 years ago, this exceptional time away and personal freedom to live his best "German" life was a real gift.

Katie McCarthy’s (horn) summer vacation was filled with special moments close to home. Katie shares that her daughter Olie became a playground fiend this summer. She has also become Katie’s little twin with her first backpack and Katie’s husband Benjamin's mini-me by stealing his sweatbands for herself to wear! 
